The governing body of the LACRPC is its Board of Directors, known as the Regional Planning Commission. The Board reviews and takes action on recommendations made by LACRPC staff and committees. The appointment of delegates achieves representation on the Board. Such appointment is made by the participating jurisdictions (county, municipality, and townships). The delegates are appointed for a two-year term, starting in April of the even-numbered years.
The various political subdivisions assign delegates to Regional Planning Commission in the following manner:
- Six (6) delegates and six (6) alternates are appointed by the Allen County Board of Commissioners to serve the County at large;
- One (1) delegate and one (1) alternate for every 5,000 persons in cooperating municipalities are designated by the planning commission of the municipality subject to the approval of the legislative authority of the municipality: and
- One (1) delegate and one (1) alternate for every 5,000 persons in cooperating townships are designated by the Board of Township Trustees of the participating townships.
Regional Planning Commission Members
The Lima-Allen County Regional Planning Commission is a voluntary association of delegates representing local political subdivisions. The Commission serves as a forum for discussion about issues that may affect several communities and regional issues that cross political boundaries into adjacent communities.
A plethora of committees meet regularly to discuss relevant issues with the community. The Commission serves in an advisory capacity to community decision-makers who have come to rely on data, analyses, and planning recommendations provided by the Commission. The committee structure reflects the scope of the Planning Commission’s responsibilities and commitment to the local community and the region.
The transportation responsibilities of the Commission are predicated on a federally predetermined committee structure which includes the Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC), the policy committee, and a Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC), a technical advisory committee. Together these two committees review and provide technical assistance and make recommendations on transportation and transit-related projects and programs planned for the region.
- Administrative Affairs Committee (AAC)
- Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)
- Community Development Committee (CDC)
- Development Controls Committee (DCC)
- Executive Committee (EC)
- Safety Review Team (SRT)
- Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)
- Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC)
Open Meeting Public Comment Policy
The Lima-Allen County Regional Planning Commission’s Committee meetings are public meetings. As such, the LACRPC has developed a policy for public participation and comments at these meetings.
Public Meeting Public Comment Policy
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