LACRPC Fee Structure
Land Division Process Brochures (2023)
What is a Lot Split?
A lot split is the division of an existing lot along a public street not involving the opening, widening, or extension of any street or road. To be classified as a lot split, the proposed split cannot involve more than five (5) lots including the original tract- all of which are smaller than five (5) acres.
*Please note that Allen County does not allow common access driveways. (two homes sharing one driveway)
What are the rules?
- Before the lot split process can begin, the applicant must provide a survey, legal description, and original deed for the proposed lot.
- Before submission, both the survey and legal description must have approval from the Allen County Engineer’s Tax Map Office.
- The entire lot split procedure can be found in the Allen County Subdivision Regulations, Section 303.
- Other documents may be requested on a case-by-case basis.
- Please find links for both the Allen County Subdivision Regulations as well as a flow chart outlining the process LACRPC uses to review each proposed lot split.
What is the Cost?
- Each land division is $125.
- We accept exact change and checks.
- Checks made payable to LACRPC
Where do I start?
- LACRPC advises anyone interested in the land division process to first contact their surveyor and attorney to assist in developing their vision on paper. LACRPC also encourages anyone with questions to contact LACRPC to arrange a predevelopment meeting.
- Additionally, anyone interested in the process should contact their zoning official with any specific land use questions they may have.
- Who will provide the documents I need?
- Your surveyor will provide your survey drawing as well as a legal description.
- Your attorney or title agent will provide a new deed for the proposed parcel.
- How long does it Take?
- Once all documents have been received, all lot splits shall be completed within five (5) business days.
- Is there anything else I need to know before I start this process?
- All legal descriptions and surveys must be approved by the Allen County Engineer’s Tax Map Office before submission to LACRPC. The map department checks the survey to ensure it is an accurate reflection of the proposed split and that it follows the conveyance standards of the Allen County Engineer.
- LACRPC requires clean, legible copies of the survey and legal description. Drawings are to be no larger than 8.5″ x 14” and must be submitted in their original size.
- Copies of drawings may be submitted.
How do I rezone land?
What is a rezoning?
Townships have the authority to regulate the acceptable uses for particular parcels to promote the public’s health, safety, and welfare. Townships create zones with corresponding regulations through legislative action.
What is the Process?
- If a property owner wishes to have the zoning changed on their land; they first make an application to their township zoning official to request their property be changed to another zoning designation.
- Following the application to the respective township, the township will forward the application to the Lima Allen County Regional Planning Commission for review and recommendation.
- Regional Planning will prepare and present a staff recommendation at the next regularly scheduled Developmental Controls Committee meeting.
- The recommendation and committee decision will then be forwarded to the township where a final decision will be made.
- Completion times will vary on a project-to-project basis.
What is the cost?
- Regional Planning does not charge the resident any direct costs for a rezoning.
- Township fees vary.
How do I create a Subdivision?
- What is a Subdivision?
- A subdivision is described in the Ohio Revised Code (711.001) as any of the following:
- No Plat Approval Required (lot split)
- The division of any parcel of land shown as a unit or as contiguous on the last preceding tax roll: into 2 or more parcels, sites, or lots; any one of which is less than 5 acres; for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership; along an existing public street, not involving the opening, widening, or extension of any street or road; up to four per year from an original tract or five if all land has been subdivided. See additional information under Lot Splits.
- No Plat Approval Required (lot split)
- A subdivision is described in the Ohio Revised Code (711.001) as any of the following:
- When is Plat Approval Required?
- The improvement of one or more parcels of land for residential, commercial, or industrial structures or groups of structures involving the division or allocation of land for the opening, widening, or extension of any street(s).
- The division or allocation of land as open spaces for common use by owner, occupants, or lease holders; or easements for the extension and maintenance of public sewer, water, storm drainage, or other public facilities.
*Please note the subdivision of land within Allen County is reviewed by LACRPC as well as many other county agencies to ensure that public health, safety, and welfare are protected. The process consists of reviewing multiple external factors such as water supply and sewer capacity, as well as the internal design (safe street patterns and proper drainage). The process also ensures a public record of the lots or parcels created in the county Recorder’s Office.
*Please note the subdivision of existing, platted lot(s) requires the submission of a plat. Platted lots cannot be subdivided with the No Plat Lot Split process.
- What are the rules?
- The standards for improvements and platting for all land in unincorporated townships are set by the Allen County Subdivision Regulations.
- The subdivision regulations help the land-owner understand what type of subdivision they are planning, the necessary information and materials, and the process to follow to finalize the plan
- From small property divisions to large tract divisions, the regulations guide the public in accomplishing their goals while meeting the LACRPC’s standards.
*For more info please see Allen County Subdivision Regulations.
- What is the Cost?
- Costs vary depending on the size of the project and include overall fees as well as a per-lot fee based on each buildable lot. The fees charged by LACRPC are found in the Fee Schedule. The listed fees do not include the preparation fees of the surveyor or engineer.
- Where do I start?
- LACRPC advises you to discuss the project with your township zoning official and LACRPC staff. If the proposed development needs to be rezoned, that process is separate from the Subdivision process and must be at least initiated before a Preliminary Plan can be approved.
- How long does it take?
- Major subdivisions typically require at least two meetings of the Developmental Controls Committee, with the development time dependent upon the nature of the project and the level of improvements.
- Platted subdivisions must go through the following three steps:
- Pre-Application Conference
- Applicants interested in securing a major subdivision approval are strongly encouraged to establish a conference with the Subdivision Administrator before submitting an Overall Development Plan to the Planning Commission. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss, early and informally, the purpose and the effect of the subdivision regulations, as well as the procedures and requirements for subdivision approval. The Subdivision Administrator may provide the applicant or their respective agent(s) with information relative to existing comprehensive land use plans, major thoroughfare or transportation plans, zoning resolutions, and Floodplain Management Regulations or other pending issues currently of concern. A Traffic Impact Analysis may be required at the time of the filing of the Overall Development Plan. This would be considered essential when initial concerns are raised about the impact on the existing road network. The Pre-Application Conference should be considered a conceptual review and a courtesy provided by the Planning Commission, and not part of any formal approval process.
- Overall Development Plan
- The developer shall submit to the Planning Commission an Overall Development Plan showing all contiguous land owned by the developer and how all of the land is to be developed. The purpose of the Overall Development Plan is to provide the Planning Commission with sufficient information to evaluate the concept of a proposed major subdivision at an early stage in the process to allow such alterations in plans as may be necessary before the applicant incurs the costs required in the preparation of Construction Drawings and Final Plats.
- Construction Drawings
- The purpose of the Construction Drawings is to provide the Planning Commission with sufficient detailed construction information to evaluate a major subdivision. The Plan should show all of the information needed to enable the Planning Commission to determine whether the proposed construction meets the standards and requirements of these Regulations.
- Final Plat
- The subdivider shall submit a Final Plat of the subdivision. If the Construction Drawings have been previously approved or conditionally approved, the Final Plat shall conform to the construction drawings or incorporate required changes as the case may be. The final plat shall be prepared by a professional surveyor registered in the State of Ohio.
How do I transfer the property to another parcel?
Transferring property to an adjacent parcel.
- Definition?
- The sale or exchange of parcels between adjoining lot owners, where such sale or exchange does not create additional building sites.
- What are the rules?
- The LACRPC requires an original survey and legal description of each newly described parcel to be transferred as well as a deed for that parcel (See Subdivision Regulations Section 207.04). The LACRPC may also require the endorsement of zoning and health officials to ensure that the remainder parcel will meet applicable standards.
- What is the cost?
- $125
- Where do I start?
- LACRPC advises you to contact an attorney and/or surveyor. We also advise you to discuss the project with your township official and LACRPC staff.
- How long does it take?
- If the application does not conflict with zoning, health, subdivision, or applicable platting regulations, it shall be approved by the LACRPC within five (5) working days. If the application is denied, LACRPC shall inform the subdivider of any issues and reasons for rejection.
How do I combine two (or more) parcels?
- How do I combine two or more parcels?
- The Allen County Auditor is responsible for the combination of one or more parcels into a single parcel. Please see the Allen County Auditor for more information.
How do I request a GIS map?
- LACRPC can create custom maps for a fee. Due to the large amount of available data, it is recommended that individuals contact staff directly to order maps. Non-standard custom maps may include additional fees for staff production time.
- Mapping
- GIS color map: map size from 8 1/2” X 11” to 36” X 48” (E size)
- Zoning maps, County-wide (E size) and by individual township (11” X 17”)
- Township master plan maps
- Aerial photo images with topographic maps
- Utility maps
- Development pattern maps
- Customized maps using more than 80 GIS data layers
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