The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has identified 15,833.7 acres in Allen County as floodplains. In order to promote public health, safety, and the general welfare, as well as to minimize public and private loss due to flood conditions in specific areas, the Board of Allen County Commissioners, adopted a Resolution on November 13, 1999, implementing Floodplain Management Regulations pursuant to authorization contained in the Ohio Revised Code Sections 307.37 and 307.85. The LACRPC was delegated the responsibility by the Commissioners to administer the Allen County Floodplain Management Regulations set forth by FEMA for the unincorporated areas of the County. The LACRPC provides technical assistance and program oversight of the regulations governing development-related activities within the County.
FEMA is currently undergoing a nationwide effort to modernize and improve the existing flood hazard maps. After years of study and delay, FEMA has finalized the Flood Insurance Study (FIS), identifying those Allen County areas subject to flooding. A multi-year effort to modernize the identification of the community’s floodplains has finally come full circle with the new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM). Becoming effective on May 2, 2013, FEMA’s Flood Map Modernization Program has delivered new computer mapping software that is more user-friendly and understandable, with increased accessibility 24 hours per day. The map modernization process resulted in changes to the flood hazard maps, which now entail some 15,833 acres countywide, affecting local businesses and property owners.
On March 27, 2013, the Board of Allen County Commissioners approved Flood Damage Reduction Resolution & Floodplain Management Regulations – Unincorporated Areas of Allen County, Ohio, meeting National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) standards. The new Floodplain Management Regulations became effective on May 2, 2013. FEMA floodplain maps can be accessed at the Allen County Auditor’s website.
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