The current FY 2024-2027 TIP is a comprehensive listing and description of capital improvement projects scheduled for implementation within FY 2024-2027. The projects are intended to maintain and provide for a safe, efficient, economical, and environmentally sound system for the transportation of both people and goods.
FY 2024 Projects
Location | Project Sponsor |
Description | PID |
Central Ave | City of Lima | A “Complete Streets” Project located in the City’s CBD. The project spans 5 City blocks from Elm St. north to Wayne St. roughly 2,475 lf. Improvements call for the conversion of a 2-lane, 1-way street with parking on both sides to a 1-wat, single-lane street with reverse angle parking on 1 side and a bike lane on the other. ADA-compliant sidewalks and energy-efficient lighting upgrades are included. | 115561 |
Bluffton SR 103 | Village of Bluffton | Construct a shared-use path along the south side of SR 103/Jefferson St. from County Lime TD until Wendy’s. It will then cross the street and continue east on the north side of SR 103 along Commerce Lane, then turn north and connect to the Lion’s path. | 111220 |
FY 2020 Projects
Location | Project Sponsor |
Description | PID |
Napoleon Rd (Harrod) | Village of Harrod | Reconstruction of S. Napoleon Rd, S. Main St., N. Main St., w 1st St., and Napoleon Rd through the Village of Harrod with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and lighting upgrades. | 118800 |
City of Lima | ACRTA | The Regional Transit Authority is requesting funding to assist in the implementation of fixed stops. This will include the addition of ADA-compliant sidewalks and signalization. | 119131 |
FY 2026 Projects
Location | Project Sponsor |
Description | PID |
Cable Rd | LACRPC | City of Lima project addresses the reconstruction of some 2,750 lf of Cable Rd fronting the University of Northwestern Ohio. The City Engineer is proposing a road diet signal upgrades, and the construction of raised medians/pedestrian islands and sidewalks on Cable Rd between Latham & College Park. | 112573 |
Napoleon Rd (Lafayette) | Village of Lafayette | The 1st phase, part of the larger project looks at constructing 110 lf of High St. in the Village of Lafayette between Main and Jefferson Streets. Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and drainage improvements are to be addressed. Subsequent phasing through the Village of Lafayette called for the repaving of High St, Main St, & Washington St. through the Village. | 118806 |
FY 2026 Projects
Location | Project Sponsor | Description | PID |
Thayer Rd | ACEO | The County Engineer will reconstruct Thayer R. between SR 309 and Reservoir Rd approximately 5,280 lf to 24′ of pavement with 2′ of stone shoulders, improve drainage, and construct a new bridge over Lost Creek. | 116196 |
Breese & Shawnee | LACRPC | The intersection improvement project is to improve safety and improve operation by converting the existing four-legged signalization intersection to a single-lane roundabout. The work would also consist of installing curb and gutter, drainage, traffic control, and lighting. | 118884 |
Breese Rd | LACRPC | Widen the pavement on Breese Rd to two 12′ lanes with 2′ berms and drainage improvements from just east of Delong Rd to McClain Rd for a distance of approximately 3,325 lf (0.63 mi) | 119014 |
City of Lima | ACRTA | The Regional Transit Authority is requesting funding to assist in the implementation of fixed stops along its high-traffic fixed routes. This will include the addition of ADA-compliant sidewalks and signalization. | 119131 |
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