Comment Sheet (English) – print and mail
Comment Sheet (Español) – print and mail
Lima-Allen County Regional Planning Commission (LACRPC) is one of Ohio’s 17 Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO). LACRPC’s Public Participation Policy is designed to secure active and representative involvement from all segments of the community in planning and decision-making about regional projects, investments, policies, and other planning issues.
Per federal law, MPOs are responsible for facilitating interaction with stakeholders and the public to provide information and facilitate dialogue, record input received, and incorporate the thoughts and concerns of the public into the development of major MPO planning documents and in various aspects of the MPO planning process. To promote and develop an informed and involved citizenry regarding the transportation planning process within these communities, LACRPC commits to pursuing the following goals:
• Ensure the public is provided the opportunity to actively participate in the evaluation and decision-making of the transportation planning process.
• Provide the opportunity for local citizens to help shape the future of the region’s transportation system through a public involvement process that provides the public with reasonable access to complete information about transportation planning issues and events.
• The public involvement process ensures the public is provided with timely notices of all transportation issues and events.
• Identify and involve traditionally underserved citizens/communities in the region’s transportation planning process.
• Ensure the public is provided with various public involvement techniques that will meet the diverse needs of the general public.
To achieve the purpose and commitments outlined above, LACRPC will emphasize the following essential components of the public participation process:
• Provide early and continuous public involvement opportunities;
• Provide reasonable public access to technical data and policy information;
• Provide adequate notice of public involvement opportunities and time for public review and comment at key transportation planning development milestones;
• Conduct public meetings at convenient and accessible locations and times;
• Employ visualization techniques to describe the planning process inputs and outcomes;
• To the maximum extent practicable, make public information available in an electronically accessible format;
• Demonstrate explicit consideration and response to public input received;
• Seek out and consider the needs and input of traditionally underserved populations, including low-income and minority households;
• Provide information for/to populations with limited English proficiency (LEP), as needed; and
• Enhance decision-making by integrating diverse interests and desires that identify community values and support transportation needs.
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