Transportation Planning

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA)

“How to Ride” – Allen County RTA bus video: English
“How to Ride” – Allen County RTA bus video: Spanish
“How to Ride” – Allen County RTA bus video: Haitian Creole

“How to Ride” – Allen County RTA bus brochure: English,
“How to Ride” – Allen County RTA bus brochure: Spanish
“How to Ride” – Allen County RTA bus brochure:
Haitian Creole


Long Range Plan

In an attempt to meet the community’s transportation needs, the LACRPC has developed and continues to update the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan. The 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan is a strategy of capital improvement programming developed to guide the effective investment of public funds in transportation facilities. The Plan provides the framework from which the area’s short-range Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is developed.

2045 Long Range Transportation Plan

2040 Long Range Plan Update

Long Range Plan Appendix A

Long Range Plan Appendix B

Long Range Plan Appendix C

Long Range Plan Appendix D

Long Range Plan Appendix E

Transportation Improvement Program

The Long Range Transportation Plan is monitored and implemented through the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) process.  Coordinating the short-range TIP for the Lima Urbanized Area represents one of the LACRPC’s major responsibilities as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The TIP provides a four-year prioritized listing of a bikeway/pedestrian walkway, bridge, highway, transit, and paratransit projects, utilizing federal funding.

FY 2023-2027 TIP

Amendment for Village of Lafayette – PID 118806

Amendment for ACRTA – PID 122113

FY 2021-2024 TIP

Resolution for Village of Bluffton- PID 111220

Resolution for City of Delphos- PID 108644

Resolution for the City of Delphos- PID 113503

Resolution for Allen County Regional Transit Authority- PID 112576

Resolution for MPO Planning 2025

Resolution for MPO Planning 2026

FY 2018-2021 TIP

CY 2020 Transportation Development Plan


ADA Transition Plans

Village of Beaverdam

Village of Bluffton

Village of Elida

Village of Lafayette

City of Lima

Village of Spencerville


Travel Demand Model

A Travel Demand Model (TDM) is a computerized simulation model that allows transportation planners to develop future traffic conditions and identify alternatives to address future congestion in current planning activities. Planning Commission staff works with ODOT personnel to maintain a traditional 4-step gravity model that reflects trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and traffic assignment.  The model is comprised of 366 travel analysis zones (TAZ) which reflect zonal transportation network characteristics such as roadway speeds, lanes, and widths, as well as 17 socio-economic data items reflective of the TAZ’s unique population, employment, households, and dwelling units. The model is sensitive to truck flow and transit usage as well as time-of-day that includes information across four periods: AM peak, midday, PM peak, and overnight.

MPO Modeled Projects

Active Transportation